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Results for "keyword: "prayers""
Practicing Spirituality with Parker J. Palmer A multidisciplinary approach to change and transformation as an essential part of the human adventure.
Centering Prayer as Practice and Process Essential teachings on establishing or renewing this method of contemplative prayer.
Practicing Spirituality with the World's Religions An exploration of interspirituality — the commonalities among the religions.
Practicing the Presence of God Ways to make every moment of your life into a sacrament of communion with the Divine.
Praying for Justice and Peace Prayer practices to cultivate a powerful, peaceful response to injustices, conflicts, and violence.
InterSpiritual Meditation Key understandings behind and instructions for a universal seven-step practice drawn from the world's spiritual traditions.
Lumen Divinum: A Retreat for Advent A delving into the great themes of Advent including wisdom, light, unity, beauty, incarnation.
Child of the Light An Advent retreat creating a quiet haven away from holiday busyness where you can reflect upon readings, prayers, and hymns.
Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Keating Extraordinary insights about faith, grace, silence, communion with God, peace, and personal renewal.
Practicing Spirituality with Protestants Progressive Protestant teachings on love, justice, prayer, and social action.